Creepy Baby rose out of the dark, hopeless, and desolate shelves of 
Salvation Army in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. Surrounded by other dirty and discarded toys she whispered to each wary customer as they wandered by looking for someone- anyone- who didn't scream "white trash" or "homeless with a car". Hidden underneath a plush tiger with one eye, a doll with missing hair plugs and several once famous beanie babies, her deep blue eyes searched each passerby for a chance at freedom. 
She had to be careful. She didn't want to go with just anyone. She whispered in a way that only a select few might possibly hear with hopes of a new world and a new life; A life beyond the cold north-where each resident would have more teeth than dogs. 

Her day finally arrived in July 2002. She was whispering in her way, as she had done so many times before, when suddenly her eyes were met by the wide eyed amazement of a stranger; a woman who stood in shock at this vision of a child unlike any other. The stranger reached down and picked up the baby doll. Their eyes locked in wonder and they each knew they had found "it". They realized they were each staring at their ticket out of this rag-tag, transient frontier and the whole world was at their 

"You aren't going to give THIS to a child are you?!" the Salvation soldier at the register exclaimed.

"No" said the woman, "I am going to give her to the world. And I shall call her 'Creepy Baby'."

As the woman left the stale store Creepy Baby said, "Thanks lady. That place was bringing me down. You got a smoke?" The woman reached to the pavement and picked out the nicest cigarette butt in the whole parking lot and carefully placed it in the slit someone had cut in Creepy Baby's mouth. Creepy Baby's blue eyes deepened with life and she said to the 
woman, "Let's get the hell out of this place and see what's out there, shall we?"

Since that fateful connection, Creepy Baby has been traveling the globe. From the Bering Sea to the Yukatan, from Hawaii to Europe she has been attracting crowds of puzzled yet intrigued admirers at every stop. She speaks to everyone who ever got stuck looking at someone's travel photos or wedding photos out of sheer politeness. Here is a chance to see the world and to know that these aren't your average snapshots. 
         These are the continuing ADVENTURES OF CREEPY BABY!